Are you interested or do you know people who might be interested in P/CVE training to become a professional counsellor on the prevention of violent extremism? Spread the word! We offer 3-month training courses to train experienced, practice-oriented people such as social workers, health care providers, educators, psychotherapists, sociologists, etc. with tools and methods to advise and support individuals in leaving extremist scenes and ideologies.
Are you a civil or governmental organization, an institution or a individual who works with community members? Or are you simply interested in our work? Do not hesitate to contact us. In order to carry out our work in the best possible way, we depend on a support network that provides us with important contacts for our clients’ practical life issues (e.g. housing, finances, administration, job placement, etc.).
Are you interested in collaborating with us or receiving hands-on support? We are seeking partners who are interested in supporting our program to prevent violent extremism in the U.S. For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact Judy Korn and Michèle Leaman.